Flood Walls and Mobile Barriers

Everything is based on an underground wall protecting an area against groundwater that rises simultaneously with the level of water flow. Its depth is based on bedrock and subsequent expected height of the barrier. The permanently mounted parts of a mobile barrier are attached to underground wall fittings. These are lateral guides, anchor plates and variantly low gate seats. Lateral guides are used to attach a mobile barrier to permanent structures and walls. Anchor plates are used to attach mobile poles, namely portable shores. There may be steel or stone sills or smooth even seating surface between anchor plates on which vertical stop logs are then stacked. All permanently mounted parts are made from high quality stainless steel. Mobile barriers are often placed on a solid wall that creates natural flood protection.
Flood Walls Construction

To perfectly seal stop logs to each other, tightening devices are mounted to portable shores and lateral guides to tighten the individual stop logs. If barriers do not contain any bottom sealing threshold, the lower stop log is equipped with an additional microcellular threshold sealing that is able to balance bigger irregularities up to 15 mm.
In addition to maximum tightness and reliability, barriers of this type also bring many other advantages. In places, where the barriers are installed, the permanently mounted parts are almost invisible. They are built into the terrain in such a way that people will not notice them. Flood walls installation is fast and easy and it can even be done by untrained people. Mobile barrier parts do not require any mechanization. The stop logs of the same length are mutually interchangeable and cannot be misplaced during installation. Solid parts do not require any maintenance due to premium materials used. The mobile parts of flood walls can be easily stored. Stop logs are stored in bundles and portable shores in storage pallets. They can be loaded onto vehicles using fork-lifts to ensure faster installation. During storage no maintenance is necessary, visual check is sufficient.
The individual parts are described here.